''Acquiring a new language is not only learning the names of the same things in different words, it is giving the same thing a new meaning .... from different perspective ... ''
(Amel abada)
''Oran'', or in Arabic '' Albahiya wahran'',
Oran, west coast of Algeria
Oran, western coast
Oran, Algeria
Algiers, the Capital city of Algeria
Alger centre
Bejaia, or ''boujie'' in French which means ''candle'', yes it is the candle of the east of Algeria
Jijel, East coast of Algeria
Al-Emir Abdelkader Mosque
Boumerdes, night time
Bejaia, Algeria
Boumerdes, Algeria
Amizour, Algeria
Agoulmime, tikejda, Algeria
Tikejda, Algeria
Le karakou Algorois, Algerien traditional clothing
The Constantinian dress
Eastern algeria
Casabah alley
Les baux art, museum
Gouraya mountain, Algeria
Alhogar, Algeria
Telemcene, Algeria
Notre dame d'Afrique, Algiers
The kabylie dress
Western algeria
Listen to this language, and feel it ....