The brain and the mind have been compared to a computer in a sort of bio-computer analogy. The analogy has power–but it is an understatement. Science has discovered many of the hard wired connections that appear to give the brain/mind so much control over the body (health, wellness, longevity, youthfulness) and our destinies in terms of success, learning, wealth and prosperity. In fact, it seems like it must have been the dark ages when people doubted the role of the mind in creating their lives. Still, what we have discovered is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
There are many estimates by experts regarding the brain/mind. Most agree that at least three relevant observations are true:
1. Somehow the mind can alter and control even things formerly thought to be a matter of DNA. (Example: multiple personality studies have shown eye color changes as sudden as the personality switch).
2. Only approximately 10% of the brain’s ability is tapped by normal people. The remaining 90% can be likened to an unused muscle–atrophied.
3. There is no law of limitation except that which is self imposed. Most have literally been programmed, like a computer, with what computer people term GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). That is, they have been subjected to repeated messages teaching self doubt, fear, anxiety, etc. This programmed language of limitation has become their life script, their expectation, and therefore most of their reality.
To have a life that works, the subconscious mind and the conscious mind must align. This may sound simple, however in reality is rather challenging. People tend to set goals however, an inner conflict within the 2 may hinder the outcome. A common example is a person trying to quit smoking. If one were to decide to quit smoking, the conscious mind will make the effort, however the subconscious mind, being able to recall all the fond memories and experiences will prevent the persons ability to go “cold turkey”. People tend to succumb to the subconscious mind. Furthermore, in efforts to have a balanced life, you could aim to get in touch with surrendering to and releasing toxicity in the subconscious mind and aligning it with your goals.