”Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible for others” …

(Johnathan Swift)

” Create the highest grandest vision for your life, because you become what you believe …”
(Opera Winfrey)


What your vision mean to others?
your vision could be something that serves and satisfies you only and it could be something that is bigger than you, something that goes beyond the the word '' me'' and reaches the limits of the universe.
your vision has to be part of your life, and it should be designed to achieve something and fit somewhere in this world.

Take your vision beyond the horizon...
(Amel Abada)

It is not a world’s vision, it is not a nation’s , or a company’s vision … it is an individual vision, and it is your own vision that can be part of any company’s or nation’s vision or part of the world’s vision.
Maya Angelou said: ​”
a solitary fantasy can transform a million realities”.
Your vision is simply something that you want to turn into a
​reality …
your vision starts to form only when you are ready to step into the unknown, when you get the courage to leave your zone of comfort and say: I am doing so much, and I am doing well, but I am not doing enough, I know there is more I can do…
you know it because you feel it, you lay awake at night thinking about your dreams and thinking about what empowers you to get on in this world …
The life you are dreaming about is always there in front of your eyes, but in order the achieve it, you must first see it, feel it, believe it and then train your brain and ask it to execute it, but this cannot happen unless your heart is filled with a deep desire to do it.
To make any change happen you need two things: a road map for that change, and a fearless, non-limited imagination.
You can write your road map down or draw it in your mind or even in a paper, starting first by clearly defining your current state, the state that you intend to change and make it visual right before your eyes, then, step into the possibilities using your imagination.
Imagination is a universal tool that people share, it is the incredible human power that changes everything, it is the only thing that allows you to cross the boundaries of the space and the place and the time.
you may not know which of your ideas will happen, but the more freedom you give yourself to use your imagination to create your reality the more realities you get to experience.
How can you manifest your imaginings? …
If you can imagine yourself into your desired world, and if you draw a picture of it in your mind then you start adding all the characteristics and the qualities that you want to experience in there, it will happen, it will become a reality … it will become your own reality, then you can enter into that world and dream it with all your heart … and never think how you get there because life’s circumstances will fill the blanks and allow you to experience that reality.
Never think about which piece of your dreams will become your new life, because in the end the piece of your dreams that becomes your new life will definitely be the right piece for you.
When your desired world -which is the state you want to reach- becomes your reality and your current state -which is the state you want to change- becomes a history, at that time you can finally say that you have successfully changed your vision into a reality.
(Amel Abada)
” Your painful moments may create your future …”
(Amel Abada)
What an unexpected change can teach you!?...
When you experience a deep frustration in your life due to specific situation then you inevitably experience pain. When your creativity is not realized, or when your life or your career somehow takes a wrong turn, and your future looks foggy and blur; what you want at this time is a real substantial change in your life… dramatic change.
what really allows for such dramatic changes are the invisible things that occur on the inside of a person and alter you from inside out ….and the slow accumulation of knowledge and life skills that you gained over the years… by essentially ignoring these internal invisible aspects we fail to change anything fundamental within ourselves.
The key to change ourselves is simple … at a certain point in your life, you may feel a stranger to yourself and you need to find the real you … the person that fits inside you … at that point you may need to return and reflect back upon those earliest inclinations and to that uniqueness that marked you at birth, you look back at those subjects that continue to spark that childlike intense curiosity in you … and get rid of the things that continue to repel you and they have no emotional resonance for you…
that will help you determine the direction that you should take …
Changing your destination in life is willing to change your destiny …
To start the change you need to develop patience and social intelligence, and you need to build up the ability to not only find the opportunity in the air and grab it but also draw your opportunities, even if there is no one around that can sense how prepared you are for the change;
Start your change process … start listening closely to yourself to your internal voice and try to figure out what is it asking for.
Start slowly narrowing your path into the strict minimum ideas that suit you the most … as a human being you always want that easy straight direct path to the success but if it is not the case you should learn how to welcome difficult and wrong turns and mistakes that widen and enrich your experiences and toughen you up.
Nothing in your change experience will ever be wasted… when you adopt that different internally driven mind-set you will accept the change and you will clearly start to see a different future in front of your eyes … even when they are closed …
My change experience taught me something extremely important, I learned that the way you transform yourself is through your work and not through your wishes, through our work we can connect to who we are,
that made me learn that I should never try to limit my challenges instead this experience gave me the strength to challenge my limits.
(Amel Aabada)
Trust ...

'' Life is about trusting yourself and your feelings ... not being afraid to take chances. It is about losing and finding special people, and learning to value all the memories you have good and bad ... learning from the mistakes you make and accepting that certain things are not made for you and certain people in your life will change.. look back and thank god; look forward and trust god ... He closes door no one can open ... and opens doors no one can close.''

​What is the right next step for you ?
create your own future

you can't leave where you are until you decide where you would rather be ...

​is your future in your hands?

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